Sonntag, 5. Juli 2015

Paul Klee - Pfeil im Garten - Detail

Centre Pompidou

Antonio Vitali 3D printed

Die bekante Vitali Familie die aus Vater Mutter und Kind besteht wird oft mit fehlendem Baby angetroffen. Der Designer und Sammeler Robert Wettstein hat das Baby nun mit dem 3D Drucker neu geschafen.

Waldorfschul-Spielzeug Möbel

Set mit original Waldorfschul-Spielzeug. Stuttgart ca. 1929 / 30.

Montag, 15. Oktober 2012

Red Bull / Silicone Chair

Espresso, Red Bull, Campari Soda and Red Wine are not classic furniture colors.
Nevertheless, I painted these drinks on four classic Horgen / Glarus chairs.
At the invitation of Cafe / Bar “Z am Park” in Zurich, Switzerland I had the opportunity to refine four unpainted chairs freely. What I did with joy.
After some curious experiments, I decided to use a red wine by artists, winemaker and musician Dieter Meier, a Campari Soda out of a Tombola price and - of course - a fresh espresso from Cafe “Z am Park”.
Red Bull cans are often litter in front of my studio. This gave me the idea to use  this drink as a "energetic" color. For this purpose, I also designed a soft pillow out of silicone to absorb the centrifugal power.
Auction on 16 November 2012. #

Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2011